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Absences can have a negative effect on a cadets training progression or selection for promotion, leadership positions, summer training positions or recreational trips. At a minimum, cadets must have a 60% attendance, to be eligible for advancement as well as summer training opportunities. Questions in regards to cadet attendance or requesting a leave of absence should be directed to your Guard Commander.  Cadets are recorded as either “excused” or “absent” if they do not attend parade nights or events they have previously committed to. Wednesday Parade Nights are considered Mandatory Training Activities. Cadets that fail to attend Wednesday Parade Nights regularly will be at risk of not progressing to their next training level. 

In the event that a cadet is unable to attend a mandatory training event or a previously commited to event, the cadet MUST do the following:


  • Your email/call must include the date, your rank, your full name and reason you are not attending

  • Cadets are marked as “excused” when the reason for the absence is deemed legitimate

  • If we feel the excuse is not valid we will ask you to see us on your return to discuss the reason

  • If you do not send an email or call, you will be marked as “absent”


  • Cadets who repeatedly report their absence as “illness, family or school related” after the second instance may require further substantiation for their absence in order to be marked as “excused”

This is an unofficial web site and in no way represents Cadets Canada, the Army Cadet League of Canada, the Department of National Defence, the Canadian Armed Forces or the Government of Canada and is maintained by the 2347 Argyll and Sutherland RC(Army)CC Support Committee for information purposes for use by its Cadets and their parents as well as the local community. This web site is in full compliance with CATO 11-06 and inquires are welcome and should be directed to

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