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Q.    Who are the Royal Canadian Army Cadets
A.    The Royal Canadian Army Cadets is a national youth program operated and funded by the Canadian Armed Forces, in partnership with and the Army Cadet League of Canada, a civilian non-profit organization. The program focuses on leadership, sports, and adventure training. This is done through a training program conducted during the school year, summer courses, and various regional, national, and international expeditions. Cadets are aged 12 to 18, and not members of the military.

Q.    Who are the 2347 Argyll Cadet Corps
A.    The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise’s) 2347 Regimental Army Cadet Corps (Argyll Cadets), as they are know locally, is one of hundreds of Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps (RCACC) across Canada. Each corps or unit in Canada is assigned a number (2347) and is identified by combining the number plus the element that they belong to (i.e. 2347 RCACC) The Corps is located at the John Weir Foote Armouries (JFA) at 200 James St. N. in Hamilton and has approximately 80 cadets. The unit parades on Wednesday evenings as well as conducts training on various weekends. Army Cadet Corps are the only element of cadets who are affiliated with an actual regiment. The Argyll Cadet Corps have been affiliated with and share over 100 years of history and tradition with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (PL), an Army Reserve unit based out of JFA who provide leadership, guidance and support to our Cadet Corps.


Q.    What about the Uniform
A.    Cadets are issued 2 cadet uniforms two to three months after joining (DEU and FTU.)  These uniforms are on loan to the cadet and remain property of 2347 RCACC, cadets are expected to maintain and look after them. Any losses, damage or size issues must be reported to the Supply Officer. Cadets must return all uniform parts when leaving unit (except for the socks). All issued highland kit as well as senior cadet accoutrements are also on loan to the cadet and are not issued by DND. They are the property of the 2347 RCACC Support Committee and must be returned when leaving the unit. Failure to return said items will result in further action to recover items and/or costs.

Q.     What are the Costs
A.     There is no cost to join and stay in the cadet program, including all mandatory activities, summer courses, and expeditions. However there may be costs to attend some recreational activities as well as costs for uniform maintenance (such as boot polish kits), haircuts, snacks from the unit canteen, and other items such as a name tag or non-uniform clothing.

Q.     Who are the Staff & Instructors
A.     All adult staff and instructors are trained and screened by the military to work with youth, and maintain a high-level of professionalism. Other support staff and sponsoring committee members are screened by the Army Cadet League of Canada. Senior cadets are also trained to instruct and lead activities, under adult staff supervision.

Q.     What is my commitment?

A.     Cadets in 2347 RCACC are expected to attend all weekly Wednesday training nights and monthly weekend activities. Wednesday night training operates from September to June, with a winter and a March break. There are also monthly activities that are either mandatory/complimentary such as 3 full Weekend FTX’s (Friday night to Sunday afternoon) or a full Saturday or Sunday training day. Other mandatory activities include two fundraising weekends (Tagging), our Annual Christmas Mess Dinner as well as the Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) which is held at the end of the training year.

Other activities, such as teams, recreational activities, and summer courses, are optional, but highly recommended. Attendance at mandatory activities is a big factor for these optional activities, and so cadets should try hard to keep their attendance high.

At a minimum, cadets must have a 60% attendance, to be eligible for advancement as well as summer training. Cadets must inform the corps by phone or by the Remind Message System when expecting to be absent for an activity or an extended period, and must sign in at the office if they miss sign in at the beginning of a training night.

Q.     What about Summer Courses
A.     Summer training is available to cadets who achieve a 60% attendance, and courses range in length from 2 to 7 weeks. Individual courses focus on drill and ceremonial, fitness and sports, marksmanship, music, and expedition training. Courses are primarily held at two Cadet Training Centres (CTCs): Blackdown CTC (at CFB Borden, near Barrie), and Connaught CTC (at Connaught Ranges, near Ottawa). Applications for summer courses are done in February, and selections are done in April. Most cadets who apply are selected for summer courses, but due to limited course availability, not all cadets may be selected. Cadets are selected on merit based on attendance, cadet level, previous courses, training performance, and attitude.

Q.     What are Expeditions
A.     Various expeditions are held throughout the year. Mandatory weekend expeditions are held for cadets in their 3rd and 4th training levels (silver and gold star), and optional multi-week regional, national, and international expeditions are available for cadets in the 5th training level. Expeditions involve, hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, canoeing, kayaking, mountaineering, and other physical outdoor activities.

Q.     What about optional Teams
A.     2347 RCACC operate some teams during the year, which train on Monday nights at JFA, and participate in inter-unit competitions. These teams are optional to join, but require a high level of attendance for those on them. The teams are the Pipes and Drums, Air Rifle Shooting Team, Orienteering Team (outdoor map and compass navigation), and Flag Party.

Q.     Joining the Military
A.     Cadets are not military members, and are not required to join the military. However, those who do wish to join will have an advantage over other applicants, be better prepared for military training, and may have pay incentives when joining the Primary Reserve and Regular Force. Please inquire with one of our staff for more details.

This is an unofficial web site and in no way represents Cadets Canada, the Army Cadet League of Canada, the Department of National Defence, the Canadian Armed Forces or the Government of Canada and is maintained by the 2347 Argyll and Sutherland RC(Army)CC Support Committee for information purposes for use by its Cadets and their parents as well as the local community. This web site is in full compliance with CATO 11-06 and inquires are welcome and should be directed to

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