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Cadets MUST meet the following requirements to join 2347 Argyll Cadets:​

  • Be at least 12 years old;

  • Legally reside in Canada;

  • Not belong to another corps or squadron; 

  • Have parental/legal guardian permission to join;

  • Be medically, physically, and mentally able to participate in cadet training; 

  • Be willing to commit to the program as outlined in FAQ's.


   *Note: Cadets must leave the program when they turn 19 years old.*

Questions? Please CONTACT US at

This is an unofficial web site and in no way represents Cadets Canada, the Army Cadet League of Canada, the Department of National Defence, the Canadian Armed Forces or the Government of Canada and is maintained by the 2347 Argyll and Sutherland RC(Army)CC Support Committee for information purposes for use by its Cadets and their parents as well as the local community. This web site is in full compliance with CATO 11-06 and inquires are welcome and should be directed to

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